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Jan Unleashed!

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Who needs Hans Christian Andersen now you have Robin Anderson’s JAN UNLEASHED! Forget a mundane swan and overindulge in Jan VB Perdoza’s swansong instead. A chance meeting with legendary photographer Bazil Bruno sees – along with a great many feathers being ruffled along the way – the emergence of a second photographer phenomenon, the outrageous Jan VB Pedroza.

From dumpy schoolgirl to international star JAN UNLEASHED! follows Janet’s breathtaking – and sometimes “bra taking” – progress.

Aided and abetted by the likes of Denny, French artist Francois Bruno and most of all her devoted childhood friend Harry, Jan VB Pedroza leaves no stone unturned (or bra unburned!).

From rampant bullfighters; steamy sitar players; testosterone-infused taxi drivers; a pool man; a President and a Wolf Creek scenario to deter even the most stalwart of souls, the original ugly duckling now Jan VB “Unleashed!” Pedroza with her The Angle and The Dangle conquers all.

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